Monday, November 12, 2007

Seeking the Path to the Light

I am lost. Finally I am willing to admit this. I seek the path to enlightenment. Any who care to walk with me, you are welcome.

When I was a child, I was so much closer to “God.” I remember nights when I was full of fear -- afraid of the dark, afraid of monsters in the closet, afraid of the devil under my bed – and I would call on God to watch over me. In my mind’s eye, I could see His love shining down on me like a gentle spotlight, illuminating my bed in a white circle of luminescence. And I would fall asleep, soundly, in the knowledge I was safe within His light.

But time and doubt have robbed me of the childhood innocence necessary to believe in what I cannot understand. I can no longer find a way to call up this “light” of the many nights of my youth. As I have learned to accept darkness and found that no physical monsters inhabit my bedroom, so have I let go of the Faith in which I once found comfort.

I want to rest in the light again. I am willing to search for it. I will share here what I find.

Stay strong.